Monday, August 15, 2016

Making the most of decorating a rental home

Not all of us can afford to own our own home, and that's okay. For those of you who rent, how do you make the most of what you're given in the house you're living in?

By these 3 simple steps:

  1. Bring in the light!
  2. Down play colors you don't like.
  3. Add texture.

Let's examine these 3 points a little more closely.

  1. Bring in the light! This quite literally can mean let the natural light from outside flow into the space. Open up your blinds and curtains, allow the sun's energy to brighten up a room.
  2. Down play the colors you don't like. Nothing says rental home like a paint color you can't change or can't stand. The kitchen and dining nook in this house is painted with two different colors of yellow and the tenant didn't like either one. Adding in the bright curtain panels with the touches of creams, grays and yellows made this client able to tolerate a color she couldn't stand. Notice how you still see the yellow walls, but they're not as front and center now.
  3. Add texture. This comes in many different forms: fabrics, woods, plants, etc. When we add textural layers to a space it helps complete the overall design and aesthetic to a room. It's like adding the finishing touches to your makeup - the mascara if you will.
By utilizing these 3 simple steps, you'll find you can make the most of your rental house even when it seems like a daunting task.

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